We Are Innovators (Energy Industry Innovations Part 4)“Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.” William Pollard

JCL Energy: We Are Innovators
For our final piece in the Energy Industry Innovations series, we took a look inward at our own company. JCL Energy is not a huge company, but we have made huge strides to position ourselves as industry leaders. We are innovators that focus on “People, Process, and Product”… in that order. Our people-first attitude not only sets us up for success, but also sets us apart from the competition.
I reached out to our employees in different fields across the company and asked them all the same question. “When it comes to the energy industry, how is JCL Energy setting trends and innovating to better serve our customers? What do you think we do differently that sets us apart from other companies?” Here’s what they had to say:
Jim Landino (Owner & Founder)
“JCL Energy is… The alternative to Corporate America and big equity. We are the family business with no relatives. This is where people come first and we love what we sell and who we sell it to! We are a company where leaving a solid, respectable legacy is important to us.”
Riley Atterholt (Sales & Marketing)
“JCL Energy is “Living the American Dream.” We are creating and growing a business. We are “anti-corporate” with no red tape. We focus on fast decision making and a family-like culture.”
Monica Knapp (Sales & Marketing)
“Trend setting and innovation is a centralized focus of the JCL Energy team. Our stock program, the way we operate from the inside-out [with servant hearts] and our deep well of transformer knowledge has helped to assist us into many phenomenal places and spaces.
Our Stock Program emerged as we began to notice lengthier lead-times and augmentation[s] in commodity pricing. JCL Energy forged a path that has saved many new and existing customers thousands of dollars and has kept many of our customers projects on track. The decision [led by our Original Dreamer – Jim Landino] to offer NEW stock transformers, has proven to be a great success.
Our Servant Hearts assure that customer service and satisfaction are in a constant state of [TOMA] – Top of Mind Awareness. We offer an extreme dedication to listening to and supporting our customers. Further, our leadership team is committed to building and maintaining a healthy company culture. We believe that a healthy company culture facilitates positive attitudes. Each team-member at JCL Energy is unconditionally supported and this translates beautifully into an increase of positive productivity.
Along with our Stock Program and Servant hearts – JCL Energy continues to grow its already vast knowledge base. We engage in conferences, summits, trade-shows and training programs nation-wide. These educational experiences help birth industry innovation while allowing employees time to grow and network in our field. Every member of our team is dedicated to keeping abreast of industry and energy nuances.
Additionally, our extremely talented group of in-house technicians and field technicians work smart and have an excellent efficiency rating. Our dedication to the education and craftsmanship of our crew, assures that we are leading the charge in transformer sales, repair and maintenance.”
Mandy Poweski (Our “Jill of all Trades”)
“I feel like what sets us apart from anywhere else is how we respond to our customers. We act quickly and are able to provide the best customer service from the onset of the order to final delivery. Our team is seasoned and has the knowledge and experience to provide our customers with high quality sales and service.”
Tyler Berryhill (Field Service)
“JCL Focuses on building a one-on-one relationship with our customers. We try to make each customer feel as if they have known us for years. Giving them the first name basis type of customer service so they know exactly who is assisting them with each project. We believe in providing quick turn around times on every aspect of our business. Not falling victim to the norms of industry long lead times for anything allows us to SHINE!”
We Are Innovators… and We Are Family
The American workplace landscape is shifting. Therefore, companies must innovate or perish. Today, change is happening fast and employees are moving to take back their power. At JCL Energy, we are innovators. Our focus is taking care of not just our customers, but also our employees. For that reason, among many others, JCL Energy sets a high standard, and the results speak for themselves.
Jim said it best when he said “We are the family business with no relatives.” JCL Energy is an industry leader because we truly believe in treating employees like family, so they can in turn treat our customers in the same way. We believe things should be fast, easy, and efficient. Therefore, ours is a “boots on the ground, let’s get it done right” attitude. We are innovators because we do the job well and do it quickly, and take care of people in the process.